Who is Corwin? | the Eps | Analysis | Josh Cox | Con report | Interviews | Pics

Quotes | Season 1 | Season 3 | Season 4 | Season 5

There is a lot of dialogue for Corwin in season two, so I have split it up into episodes.

Be warned - I don't have all the dialogue for each ep in at this stage. Blame me for being too slack to watch Corwin every night (hell, I also have a bit of Narn watching to do too!).

Who is Corwin? | the Eps | Analysis | Josh Cox | Con report | Interviews | Pics

Quotes | Season 1 | Season 3 | Season 4 | Season 5
The Corwin Page | Lynne's home page

Babylon 5 is copyright Warner Bros

The Corwin Homage Page/Lynne/last modified 21st September 1999.