You won't find my con report here, but if you try here, you should find it!
Lots of pics here! Some aren't great quality cos I was pushing 800 film. I've made thumbnails of them for you to select. Most of the jpegs are between 25-60kb so they shouldn't take too long to load....
(This one doesn't have a thumbnail - it is small enough as it is!) Guess what sort of Australian animal Jason is imitating?
Here's one of me and a good friend, Michele. You can't really tell
that Michele adores Marcus (in real life Jason) any more than me, yet
she is the fan!
Now, am I bold or what?!!!! Here's me, the snivelling fanboy, less
than a year before barely able to talk to Michael O'Hare cos of nerves
(BB or AK would have made me fall over and die on the spot!), asks for a
photo, then grabs "her" man and lays one on him!
But did Our Jase mind? I think not!
And for those that will, here are the full-size, uncropped pics
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All pics copyright Lynne Shandley 1998, 1999
Na'Tiel's Pics/Lynne (spamblocked) /last modified 20th September 2001.